LogicalyAvailableUSDC (LAUSDC) - Tracks the amount of USDC that can be lent, or has already been lent

LogicallyUnavailableUSDC (LUUSDC)- Tracks the amount that can't be lent - IE. USDC deposits that have reached maturity and is waiting to be withdrawn from depositors.

SLP deposit receipt - The fungible token of the SLP

TotalSLPTinCirculation - Tracks the total amount of SLPTs that have currently been minted

SLPT Price Calculation

3-cooling off period.jpg

SLPT Price Impacts

Minting - SLPT price doesn't change

Burning - SLPT price doesn't change

Loss - USDC amount locked fall, but SLPT in distribution doesn't.

Profit on repayment - USDC amount locked increase, but SLPT in distribution doesn't

SLP Maturity